We’re also seeking sponsors to advertise on our bumsniffingdogs.com website!

Sponsors sign up for 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, or a full year.

Sponsorships cost:
1 week: $5
1 month: $15
3 months: $40
6 months: $70
1 year: $125

You can buy sponsorships here. Sponsor ads will appear in our Advertiser & Sponsor Marketplace.

The dimensions for a sponsor ad are: 150 pixels x 75 pixels. They can be submitted as jpg or gif file formats. Please do not exceed 30k in size. The sponsor ads can be emailed to me once they have been purchased.

For other advertising alternatives, you can buy ad space here. You can buy text ads and/or banner ads...the choice is yours!

Beau Nose Beau Nose
Nose-Z Zima Nose-Z Zima
Hiney Heather Hiney Heather
Hiney Heather Sniffin' Sam
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Hiney Heather Sniffin' Sam Hiney Heather